

* Crerebriti * The best way to learn something, is to do so while enjoying yourself. Cerebriti mainly aims at teachers, who can create edu-quizes for their students on this platform or even assign the task of creating games to their students, as the best way of learning something is starting to teach somebody else… […]

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* CogniFit * The website provides users with 33 mental games, which have as main goal to help users assess and train their minds, brain and cognitive abilities (brain training). Each game takes places in a different scenario (in the countryside, on the beach, on a road, in a sports court, on the street, with

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Diversity, respect and tolerance (Diversidad, respeto y tolerancia)

Diversity, respect and tolerance (Diversidad, respeto y tolerancia) The online game consists of nine mini-games that are focused on knowledge and respect for cultural diversity. The mini games are divided into three tours, which deal with three perspectives of diversity: communication; art and customs; traditions. In addition to the online game, completing the gymkhana of

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