Best-Practice Database

The e-Civeles project partners have collected a representative collection of educational games and platforms. To get an overview, please take a look at this database which includes all e-Civeles best practice examples. All descriptions are provided in English, regardless of the languages in which the games and platforms are available. Descriptions of the games and platforms also exist in all languages of the project partnership, provided that they are available in the respective language. If you prefer those descriptions, please have a look at our National Databases.

  • Gaming languages

  • Type of game

  • Main scope of target group

  • Purposes of the game

  • Technical issues

The availability of external links, the usability of platforms and the playability of games were reviewed in April 2019. The e-Civeles team cannot guarantee the future usability of the content offered by external providers. This applies in particular to games that require Adobe Flash.

If your search turns out unsatisfactory, please de-select some of the options above.
A complete, unfiltered overview of all games in our database can be found here.