* The Migrant Trail Game *

“The migrant trail” presents a first-person journey through Arizona ’s desert borderlands. Play as an undocumented immigrant attempting to cross the Arizona desert and/or a border patrol agent attempting to secure the border.
Gameplay as a migrant is styled after The Oregon Trail, in which
As a border patrol agent, the player drives one of those same patrol cars, searching for groups attempting to cross the border. Once a group or individual is found, much of the player’s time — a limited resource for border agents — can be spent tending to injuries and ensuring captured migrants receive proper care, for the objective of the border patrol agent is not simply to capture as many migrants as possible, but also to prevent deaths and injuries.
The multiple facets behind these two sides are constructed to be complimentary rather than oppositional. When switching from migrant to border patrol, the focus on providing aid combined with an understanding of how brutal conditions are for migrant groups produces empathy
More information is available here.